Dermapen treatment
Dermapen treatment
– complete facial skin renewal –
Visible results in a short time!
Many of us struggle with the problem that with time our skin loses its old elasticity and its youthful glow, the skin becomes dull, or perhaps bears the traces of teenage acne in the form of scars on the face. The Mesotica® DermaPen treatment provides a professional, high-quality cosmetological solution to these problems. During the treatment, the skin undergoes a transformation and renewal that boosts circulation and fills the face with freshly produced collagen. As a result of the treatment, we use the skin’s own healing and regenerating mechanism to correct skin imperfections, just like when a wound on our hand heals completely. The skin is tightened, wrinkles are plumped up and the former bright blush returns.
What is a dermapen treatment?
The treatment begins with a consultation where our specialist takes the customer’s medical history. We ask our patients detailed questions; when the skin defects appeared, if they have had any treatment before, we ask them about illnesses and allergies.
After thorough cleansing and skin preparation, we anaesthetise the area that we are about to treat with a cream containing lidocaine.
During the treatment, we use the DermapPen to make small, 1-2 mm needle punctures on the skin. The needle punctures are so small that they do not leave visible wounds on the skin and do not cause pain either. However, our skin perceives these punctures as wounds and starts its own healing mechanism producing collagen. Collagen is the basic building block of our skin, and the treatment fundamentally renews the skin. The freshly produced collagen fills in skin imperfections, the vascular structure is rejuvenated. During the treatment we use special medical grade MESOTICA® serums to stimulate skin regeneration. After the treatment, a skin-soothing mask helps the skin to regenerate.
The treatment must be repeated 3-5 times every 14 days.
The effect of dermapen on the skin

evens out scars and smaller holes

fills wrinkles with collagen

the circulation of the skin improves and the rosy blush returns

reduces discolouration, the skin becomes tighter
Clinical results
improvement after 2nd treatment
improvement after the 5th treatment
Is dermapen treatment right for you?
Our salon offers several solutions for all skin problems, make an appoitment for a FREE CONSULTATION and ask us for a personalized treatment plan.
The price of dermapen treatment
HUF 19,000 / occasion
3+2 skin rejuvenation pass
HUF 57,000
HUF 11,400 / occasion
Make sure that you follow these instructions during the treatment:

Solariums and sunbathing must be avoided for two weeks after the treatment

Do not use foundation for 48 hours after the treatment

A kezelés napján erősen ki fogsz pirosodni, ami másnapra teljesen elmúlik

A kezelést követően finom hámlást tapasztalhatsz, de ez nem olyan mértékű, hogy mások számára észrevehető lenne, hétköznapjaidat nem befolyásolja
Side effects of Dermapen
DermaPen is a completely safe, risk-free treatment. After the treatment, you may experience intense peeling, which can be easily alleviated with the Aloe Vera gel provided by our salon.
Beauty treatment prices
Skin cleanser treatments
SKEYNDOR® facial cleansing 90min
high-end facial cleansing treatment
- five steps facial cleansing
- acid or enzym peeling + hydroabrasion
- steaming and cleansing
- peptide electroporation-mesotheraphy treatment
- gel mask
29 000
MESOTICA® facial cleansing 90min
classic facial cleansing treatment
- hydroabrsion peeling
- steaming and cleansing
- VIO ozone treatment
- peptide mesotheraphy treatment
- gel mask
19 800
+ anti-ageing treatment to the facial cleansing treatments + 30min
- eye and lip wrinkle treatment
- radiofrequency treatment
- peel-off mask
6 500
Beauty treatments
Skeyndor ETERNAL
34 000
Skyendor Power C+
22 000
Skeyndor Power Hyaluronic
22 000
Skeyndor for MEN
31 500
Anti ageing 30+ facial treatment
+ booster program
+ eye and lip area filling
13 900
3 800
4 600
Anti ageing 40+ facial treatment
+ eye and lip area filling
+ 3D peptid mask
18 800
4 600
4 600
Anti ageing 50+ facial treatment
Eye area and lip wrinkle filling
9 800
Hyaluronic acid skin filling
+ RF skin tightening
17 800
5 200
7 200
+ 3 000
Skin Renewal and Peeling Services
RENEW Sensonic peel – acid peeling
+ hydrolizer facial mask
3 occasion pass
14 800
3 200
11 800 / occ
Melano peel – acid pigment fading
3 occasion pass
15 800
12 800 / occ
SKEYNDOR Probiom Salon Peel
+ one-week home treatment
complete skin renewal
21 500
+ 9 000
Massage prices
Pampering face and cleavage massage 40'
as a single services
+ hydrofacial face peeling for free
11 900
Pampering face and cleavage massage +20'
add-on for a facial treatment
5 500
Radiofrequency treatments
Full facelift
4 in a suitable pass
8 400
7 400 / occ
Eye area tightening
4 in a suitable pass
6 900
5 900 /occ
Lip wrinkle treatment
4 in a suitable pass
6 900
5 900 /occ
Dermapen collagen induction
26 000
In 4+1 occasion skin rejuvenation pass
104 000
20 800 / occ
Eyelashes, eyebrows
Ad on services for a facial treatment
eyebrow shaping
eyebrow coloring
eyelash coloring
2 800
2 800
3 200
3 700
2 500
2 600
Lower arm
4 500
Full arm
5 200
Lower leg
6 000
6 700
Full leg
8 500
Brazilian wax
full front and back
10 500
5 500