Our hairdressing
In our salon we use professional KEVIN MURPHY products. In our hands your hair comes alive, and if you like to follow the latest trends, you can also rely on us, at Wings Beauty Salon we offer you state-of-the-art technology.

János Holdosi
Senior hairdresser
Kornél Zsidó
Senior hairdresser
Senior hairdresser

Our favourite services
Hair aid
– rescue for your hair

You didn’t get the result you had in mind?

Did your hair get broken, yellow, blotchy?

Did your hair get colour different from what you had imagined?
Visit our salon and we will restore your SELF- CONFIDENCE!
Hair services

Drying, hairstyle

Female styling cut

Male styling cut

Dye & bleaching


Ombre dye

Balayage dye

Tiger eye dye

Babylights dye

Casual hairstyle

JOICO 4-step hair structure rebuild

Drying, hairstyle

Female styling cut

Male styling cut

Dye & bleaching


Ombre dye

Balayage dye

Tiger eye dye

Babylights dye

Casual hairstyle

JOICO 4-step hair structure rebuild
Our priority is to protect the health of your hair
so we do both lightening and colouring only after a preliminary consultation.
Hairdressing prices
Our prices are in HUF

Medium length

Basic services
First consultation 20′
Wash + blow dry
5 900
7 700
Wash + cut + blow dry
13 800
13 800
+ Hair curling and ironing
washing + blow dry or hair cut
+ 2 400
+ 3 600
Cut for curly hair
washing + hair cut + blow dry for curly hair
15 800
16 800
Root touch up
wash and blow dry included
up to 70g dye
19 800
19 800
Full length colour
wash and blow dry included
up to 110g dye
22 500
23 600
+ cut, in addition to any services
5 200
5 200
Men’s haircut
6 200
Colouring with KEVIN MURPHY
Braiding, pinning, casual hairstyle
4 000 - 10 000
15 000
Extra long hair charge
mid back and longer
- our prices include the price of washing and blow drying -
Medium length
Balayage, ombre
without regrowth colour
up to 150g bleacher and 70g dye
38 600
42 800
10 000 /hour + dye products
10 000 /hour + dye products
Root bleaching
27 800
31 600
Full length bleaching
10 000/hour + dye products
10 000 /hour + dye products
Color correction
10 000 /hour + dye products
10 000/hour + dye products
Bleached blond re-shading
Hairstyles made in our salon within 10 weeks
+ olaplex treatment
(balayage, ombre, babylights, airtouch)
21 000
21 000
29 300
32 500
+ root colouring
in addition of any services
up to 70g dye
+ 6 200
+ 6 200
Hair treatment services
Joico 4 steps hair treatment for damaged hair
14 800
OLAPLEX – bond building hair treatment
14 800
OLAPLEX – bond building hair treatment
for bleaching or colouring
8 200
OLAPLEX additive (for bleaching)
4 600
L’OREAL SteamPod treatment
5 000
Material costs
Hair dye
+ 72 /g
+ 40 /g
+ 310 /3g
SKP ColorRemover
+ 1815 /30g